Planning application LW/3332/CC
County Council Development
- Reference:
- LW/3332/CC
- Address:
- Meridian Community Primary School Roderick Avenue North, Peacehaven, BN10 8BZ
- Proposal:
- Modular build extension to create 12 new classrooms with ancillary accommodation to East of the existing building including an additional Hall extension to the North and internal alterations to the existing building. External works include additional parking at the site entrance, landscaping to the playground and further cycle parking and amendments to the bin store to the north including the removal of two mobile classroom blocks and remedial landscaping.
- District:
- Lewes
- Parish:
- Peacehaven
- Electoral division:
- Peacehaven and Telscombe Towns
- Received:
- 13 July 2016
- Consultation start:
- 12 August 2016
- Consultation end:
- 2 September 2016
- Decision date:
- 21 December 2016
- Decision:
- Granted
- Legal agreement:
- Y
- Case officer:
- Jeremy Patterson
- Enquiries:
01273 481626
Email: Development, Minerals & Waste
- P.112 Existing First Floor Plan & Roof Plan (Acrobat, 330k)
- Planning Committee Report 16.11.16 (Word, 82k)
- LLD954/04-03 Detailed Planting Plan (Drawing 3 of 4) (Acrobat, 872k)
- P.102 Construction Site Constraints Plan (Acrobat, 1460k)
- P.118 Proposed Elevations (2 of 2) (Acrobat, 1009k)
- P.111 Existing Ground Floor Plan (Acrobat, 790k)
- P.115 Proposed Ground Floor Plan (Acrobat, 1112k)
- P.119 Proposed Hall Extension Plan (Acrobat, 906k)
- Site & other plans (Acrobat, 1743k)
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report - Protected Species Assessment (Acrobat, 1168k)
- P.116 Proposed First Floor Plan & Roof Plan (Acrobat, 437k)
- LLD954/04-04 Detailed Planting Plan (Drawing 4 of 4) (Acrobat, 694k)
- Completed Unilateral Undertaking - signatures removed (Acrobat, 5571k)
- P.100 - location plan (Acrobat, 903k)
- LLD954/02-01 Rev 01 Tree Retention and Protection Drawing 1 of 3 (Acrobat, 2484k)
- LLD954/04-01 Detailed Planting Plan (Drawing 1 of 4) (Acrobat, 911k)
- Historic Environmental Desk-Based Assessment (Hertiage Statement) (Acrobat, 3744k)
- LLD954/02-03 Rev 01 Tree Retention and Protection (drawing 3 of 3) (Acrobat, 1309k)
- Transport Statement Appendicies A and B (Acrobat, 1277k)
- Transport Statement Appendix C (Acrobat, 3889k)
- Transport Statement (Acrobat, 948k)
- Tree Retention and Protetion Existing Tree Schedule (Acrobat, 89k)
- Application Form - Without Personal Data (Acrobat, 195k)
- LLD954/03-02 Rev 01 Soft Landscape Layout (Drawing 2 of 3) (Acrobat, 1230k)
- P.113 Proposed Site Plan (Acrobat, 3122k)
- Transport Statement Appendix D and E (Acrobat, 1893k)
- LLD954/03-03 Rev 01 Soft Landscape Layout (Drawing 3 of 3) (Acrobat, 807k)
- Detailed Reptile Survey Report (Acrobat, 1039k)
- P.114 Proposed External Works (Acrobat, 3480k)
- Flood risk assessment (Acrobat, 4099k)
- P.121 Visuals (Acrobat, 1262k)
- LLD954/03-01 Rev 01 Soft Landscape Layout (Drawing 1 of 3) (Acrobat, 1074k)
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment Tree Protection - Method Statement June 2016 (Acrobat, 321k)
- P.120 Sections (Acrobat, 1462k)
- P.117 Proposed Elevations (1 of 2) (Acrobat, 1898k)
- Decision Notice (Word, 67k)
- Landscape Scheme Long Term Landscape Management Plan (Acrobat, 127k)
- LLD954/04-02 Detailed Planting Plan (Drawing 2 of 4) (Acrobat, 692k)
- P.101 Existing Block Plan (Acrobat, 295k)
- Geotechnical Assessment (Acrobat, 2189k)
- Transport Statement Appendix E continued - travel plan framework (Acrobat, 1202k)
- Design & access statement (Acrobat, 1655k)
- LLD954/02-02 Rev 01 Tree Retention and Protection (drawing 2 of 3) (Acrobat, 2091k)
- Supplementary Form (Acrobat, 116k)
- Detailed Plant Schedule and Specification (Acrobat, 47k)
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